
NCC's Selective Punishment on Pro-green Stations

National Communications Commission (NCC) issued punishments in fine against 11 pro-green ratio stations for encouraging people to protest the visit of Vice President Zhang Ming-qing (張銘清), China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS, 海協會), on 21th, Nov, 2008.

The reasons of punishment given by NCC are:

"Violating the social order and kindhearted customs", NT$ 13,500 (~ 400 US)
"Using words 'dog shit' and 'bull shit' in the programs, which is an even more serious violation of the social order and kindhearted customs", NT$ 24,000 (~ 700 US$)

As critics point out, when much more serious violations were conducted by pro-blue stations back in 2006 to encourage people to join Red Army, an illegal anti-bian siege, NCC keeps a total blind eye.

NCC was ruled as "unconstitutional" by Council of Grand Justices, the nation's highest court, back in July, 2006 (See Taipei Time's NCC unconstitutional: grand justices). But that doesn't seem to bother a bit for those lawless pro-blue people to keep operating NCC and using it as a political tool against pro-green stations.

Ref (in Chinese): 張銘清案 NCC開罰11家電台, 鼓吹民眾包圍張銘清 11家電台遭NCC罰款


阿牛 [2/3/09 20:10] said...

Thanks for posting on this! Very important story.