


Our records reveal that Wen-Chi Kung, born 10/18/1957, and Ching-An Lee, born 01/17/1959, have previously been documented as U.S. citizens with U.S. passports and no subsequent loss of U.S. citizenship has been documented.

我們的紀錄顯示,生於 1957年10月18日的孔文吉和生於 1959年1月17日的李慶安有正式成為美國公民並擁有美國護照。沒有任何資料顯示該兩人曾經喪失美國公民身份
[from: Diane Lee still a US citizen: DPP (該文有事件表列)]

這個李慶安,從 1991年就當美國人,1994 年開始偽法當台北市議員,後來接著偽法當立委,以美國人身份,拿台灣人的納稅錢去繳美國稅(美國政府規定,美國人在海外工作也要納稅給美國政府)。李慶安就這樣明目張膽地污台灣人的錢,整整污了 14 年 !!





先看看這則新聞:「中國學生參訪 成大撤國旗」




1. 受邀演講的蔣孝嚴,在回應在場學生質疑為什麼台灣人要把國旗拿掉時,竟回答:「你們就看開一點!」

2. 針對學生的質疑,可能是學生會的成員竟然睜著眼睛說瞎話,說:「那裡本來就沒有插國旗!」

這個成大學生會,在野草莓時 (2008年11月11日)曾經發表一個不三不四的聲明(見「芭樂日報」http://baladaily.blogspot.com/2008/11/following-is-translation-of-statement.html)
作者: justinkuo (放空) 看板: student
標題: 成大學生會聲明稿
時間: Tue Nov 11 10:05:19 2008

Cheng Kung University Student Union Statement


Once, we truly believed this: that Taiwan's democracy was an object of pride; that peaceful society was essential. We truly believed that the sky was broad and limitless, that sunshine was warm, and that the air was free. We truly believed that 23 million people could join hands and embrace this land of freedom. We truly believed this once.


But over the past several days, we have seen a serious split in Taiwanese society, with politicians and political parties disrupting societal order for political gain, all major media outlets pursuing their respective political agendas under the guise of reporting the news, and the abuse of state authority under the guise of "public safety" to brutalize people wishing only to peacefully express their opinions. Over the past several days, the beauty we once believed in has become a distant memory, and the Taiwan that we love has become a stranger to us.


We express our utmost sorrow at this turn of events, and feel that we have a responsibility to express our position on freedom, democracy, and societal stability. The purpose of organizations in a civil society is to reflect the values cherished by that society. As our student union is also a public organization, we - as university students who enjoy a greater degree of intellectual education and freedom - have a responsibility towards society. We do not presume to issue a statement in the name of the entire student body. We simply express our position in our capacity as a democratically elected representative body. We of course understand that the Student Union's positions on various matters may not reflect that of all our student members. We will therefore hold various petition drives to gauge a position that is most representative of that of the student body.


It is not our intent to demand settlements for the past. Rather, we seek to use our rational viewpoints as students to change the status quo, and push society towards progress and stability. We call on all of our fellow students and citizens to remain calm and rational, it is always more difficult to rebuild than to destroy. The road ahead of us is a long one, we insist on rationally changing and rebuilding the system from within, and reject all acts of violence.


Under the aforementioned principles, we issue the following two statements:

1. 請各主要黨團簽署承諾書,針對集會遊行法中許可制、禁制區、行政刑罰、解散命令、公平救濟管道等爭議內容,參考各國執行成效,廣納各界人士意見,進行討論或修改,並排定時間表。

1. We ask that all major political parties commit to reexamining the Assembly and Parade Law, addressing the current permit system, provisions for restricted areas, status as a punitive or administrative law, forced dispersal orders, fair relief channels, and other controversial points. Similar laws in other countries should be examined to determine effectiveness, and the opinions of people in all walks of life taken into account. A timetable should be established for this discussion and subsequent revision of the law.

2. 請各主要黨團簽署承諾書,承諾集會遊行主辦單位,應負起管制群眾行動責任,配合警方執法,約束暴力行為。兩黨團並應號召其他機關團體、政黨組織、公(工)會等共同承諾。

2. We ask that all major political parties sign an agreement that requires the organizing body for any protest or demonstration to take responsibility for policing the actions of participants, and work with law enforcement agencies to curtail violent acts. The two main parties should also call on other nongovernmental organizations, political parties, and unions to sign this agreement.


The above statements are non-political and non-partisan. As a group of motivated students, we seek only a progressive and peaceful society, in hopes that we may once again believe in the beauty of Taiwan.


Cheng Kung University Student Union
November 11, 2008


1. 請各主要黨團簽署承諾書,針對集會遊行法中許可制、禁制區、行政刑罰、解散命令、公平救濟管道等爭議內容,參考各國執行成效,廣納各界人士意見,進行討論或修改,並排定時間表。

2. 請各主要黨團簽署承諾書,承諾集會遊行主辦單位,應負起管制群眾行動責任,配合警方執法,約束暴力行為。兩黨團並應號召其他機關團體、政黨組織、公(工)會等共同承諾。








1. 活動當時,有很多學生事先準備好許多有關人權的問題要問蔣孝嚴,但是沒有人事先知道國旗會被學生會自行拆除;
2. 學生問蔣孝嚴很多尖銳的問題,但蔣孝嚴鬼扯回應,鬧到場面很火爆;
3. 成大校方與學生會聯合起來,批評提問的學生「沒教養」;
4. 已有傳言調查局已經開始調查這些提問的學生及其所屬的社團。




差不多該影片開始 2 分鐘時,主持人鄭宏儀提到一封住新竹的觀眾投書:

自從馬政府上台後,台灣的外交國格幾乎消失殆盡。我的女兒離鄉背井嫁到秘魯,七年後的今天,很高興地帶著兩個兒子回台。沒有想到到機場受到墨西哥航空公司拒絕辦理登機手續,理由是沒有墨西哥的簽證。我女兒是買從秘魯經由墨西哥到東京再到台北(的機票)。以前是不需要墨西哥簽證,但航空公司人員告知,從 11 月開始需要簽證,因為台灣被規範(規劃)為 China Taiwan。而 China Hong Kong 不需要。



記得在 2002 年時,台灣的藍綠兩派正在為『護照要不要加註台灣』而吵翻天。有許多出國旅遊的台灣人在入境他國時因為護照上「Republic Of China」而被當作中國人,即使跟入境國解釋也沒有用,還是被當作賊一樣對待,造成台灣人很多不愉快的旅遊經驗。這樣的抱怨在當時多不勝屬,成為當年「護照加註台灣」的最大助力。


後來護照成功地在 2002年加註了台灣,從那時起到馬英九上台前,已經沒有再聽過台灣旅遊海外被當作中國人一樣監視、刁難的麻煩了。





以這樣的退化速度,再加上馬英九「榨乾台灣、成就中國」的心態(跟 1947年「228大屠殺」之前的陳儀政府一樣),不要多久,台灣人就會淪落到 228 之前的地位。




Disguised student caught on Wild Strawberry protest site

A guy disguised as a student infiltrated to the Wild Strawberry Movement (WSM) camp and stole a laptop that students use to operate their movement:

At about 9 am on 13 December, a student surnamed Lai found their notebook computer was missing. Workers of the Wild Strawberry Movement, after obtaining the agreement of everyone present, began to check through the personal belongings at the site. They then found the student Lai's computer under the jacket of a man claiming to be a student from Fu Jen University's Chinese Department.

Because of the principle of presumption of innocence, students of the Wild Strawberry Movement first asked the man to explain why he had student Lai's computer. However, his words stuttered and he was unable to give a reasonable explanation. Therefore at approximately 9:30 am on the same day, the students of the Wild Strawberry Movement sought the assistance of a police officer at the site. They reported the incident to the police. When the police checked the man's ID it was discovered that the information he had given to the Wild Strawberry Movement was false. Furthermore, he was not a student in Fu Jen University's Chinese Department.

(see http://taiwanstudentmovement2008.blogspot.com/2008/12/1213.html)

This reminds me of another report.

The WSM insists 3 appeals: 1. President Ma and Premier Liu apologize; 2. Chiefs of National Police Agency and of National Security Bureau, Wang and Tsai, step down; 3. Amend The Parade and Assembly Law.

On Nov. 15th, 9 days into WSM's month long protest, Ma government tried to make students scale down their protest by dropping the first two appeals.

Besides asking teachers of those students to participate in the persuasion, the Ma's party, KMT, also did this:


KMT's Youth League also "sent member(s)" to participate the WSM. Hoping to "scale down the focus" to only the 3rd appeal, they spread words that it's much harder to achieve the goals of "apology" and "resign", so it's better to focus on the "law amending".

Seeing Chen Shui-bian's so-called "money laundering" case from another angle

by Taiwan Echo and Tim Maddog

When the overseas deposits of former Taiwan president Chen Shui-bian's (陳水扁, AKA "A-bian") family -- said to be as high as 300 million US dollars -- were exposed couple of months ago, my instincts told me, A-bian will "die a horrible death" (to borrow Ma Ying-jeou's words). Forget about the insane hatred that pro-blue supporters have for A-bian. Simply because of the huge sum of the money, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) will definitely crush him.

Below is how I see their "blue" print:

Chen Shui-bian claims that the money -- handled by his wife without his knowledge -- consists of leftover donations which came from his supporters during his election campaigns. If so, then the money would belong either to Chen himself or to the DPP -- the party that nominated Chen as a candidate. Whichever one of these it is, it's certain that the money belongs neither to the government nor to the Taiwanese public. And it certainly doesn't belong to the KMT.

But the KMT will most probably do everything it can to make that money their own. The only way they can do so -- in spite of the evidence -- is to use the judiciary tools that they control to fabricate the witnesses and evidence in order to pin the crime of corruption on A-bian. Only by adopting this approach can the KMT claim that the money should be "legally returned" to their hands (the current government, that is).

If we closely watch the investigation of A-bian's alleged "money laundering" over the past couple of months, here's what we see:

1. First, use politicians and pro-blue media to brainwash people into believing "A-bian is corrupt." No evidence is required. In fact the KMT has been applying the same tricks for years to conduct "trials by press" against pro-Taiwan people, so this is really nothing new.

2. Secondly, interrogate, detain, and/or arrest anybody you can -- whether connected to the case or not -- entice, threaten, or coerce them into becoming witnesses for the state by using approaches like, "If you testify that Chen Shui-bian took the money, we won't put you in jail."

Do you think this is unlikely? There are reports/video evidence that Taiwan police have threatened civilians with jail time: "If you don't shut up, I will put you in jail." When Chen Yunlin came to Taiwan, some Tibetans were threatened by the police, being told, "If you dare to go to the airport, you will be jailed for the rest of your life." (警威脅敢抗議 關你一輩子 (Protesters threatened by the police with life in jail))

So again, threats are a common tactic used by Taiwan's police.

3. To save their own asses, the people who have been threatened (for example, poor Yeh Sheng-mao, the former Chief of Investigation Bureau) eventually come up with some so-called evidence, maintaining the false illusion that the uncivilized KMT will somehow keep their promises to set them free.

4. After the fabricated evidence is collected and well-staged, the KMT takes those witnesses (who are no longer valuable to them), turns them into defendants, and gives them heavy sentences (look what happened to poor Yeh Sheng-mao!).

5. Even without any guilt or even a bit of evidence, they put Chen Shui-bian in jail for sure.

As the KMT continues this conspiracy, we will continue to see "witnesses becoming defendants after their statements are taken."

As a result, the KMT will claim that the large amount of foreign deposits owned by Chen Shui-bian's family actually "belongs to the government" -- the KMT-run government, that is.

Poor Yeh Sheng-mao

Earlier, when former Investigative Bureau chief Yeh Sheng-mao held a press conference to announce his decision to follow the attorney office's instructions to incriminate Chen Shui-bian, "The wife of my ex-boss persuaded me to follow the right path and be loyal to the country," I immediately thought: This time, he will be done for.

When you hear these kinds of "keywords" from Chinese culture -- like "persuading someone to follow the right path", "loyal to the country", etc. -- coming from the police or the judiciary system, you know that the moment of catastrophe is at your doorstep.

As I expected, even after Yeh Sheng-mao made statements that were unfavorable towards A-bian, he was still indicted and punished with a heavy sentence.

2008-9-25 :「北檢再傳葉盛茂 擬追訴涉洩密罪」
Taipei District Prosecutors' Office arraigns Yeh Sheng-mao again, intends to prosecute him for leaking secrets

2008-10-4 :「追訴兩起洩密罪 葉盛茂被求重刑」
Prosecutors up the indictment on Yeh Sheng-mao and seak for heavy sentence

2008-12-5 :「在葉盛茂重判10年 當庭癱軟」
Sentenced to 10 years in jail, Yeh Sheng-mao collapses in court

In the last report cited,

"The judge describes in the official indictment document that, the fund of Chen's oversea deposit ***might*** contain some money from the state affairs fund." (highlight is mine)

"Might" contain some money from the state affairs fund? The court made its judgment based not on evidence but on this kind of guesses?!

The only reason I can come up with is that the KMT in fact couldn't find any evidence, but instead had to resort to the claim that "some of the money in Chen's overseas accounts **might** belong to the government," otherwise they will have no way to get their hands on the money.

There's another case where witnesses became defendants after their statements were taken:
2008-12-6 : 「蔡美利、陳俊英 證人改被告」
Tsai Mei-li and Chen Chun-ying, originally witnesses, become defendants

Will Chen Chih-chung give his money to the KMT?

According to a report by Liberty Times, Chen Chih-chung, son of Chen Shui-bian, agreed to transfer those overseas money to the attorney's office
2008-11-27:「陳致中同意匯回7億 珍未反對」

Pay attention to the words below:


"The attorney office says that the fact that Chen Shui-bian's son Chen Chih-chung (陳致中) and daughter-in-law Huang Jui-ching (黃睿靚) have agreed to turn in the money could be considered as a reason for leniency. But it's too early to suggest a reduced sentence to the court because the investigation is still underway. Lin Chih-hao (林志豪) said Chen Chih-chung and Huang had made a verbal agreement to turn in the money (Echo note: remitted to a bank account created by the attorney office), following a suggestion of the attorney's office."

What is so shocking is that the attorney's office bluntly claims that "whether the money is turned in or not" will be considered a factor in determining a sentence.

Before the attorney's office has even provided evidence proving that this is government's money -- which they haven't been able to do so even after months of investigations using the manpower of almost the entire judiciary system in Taiwan-- the money still legally belongs to Chen's family.

Why on earth should Chen Chih-chung and Huang give their legally-owned money to the KMT government in order to have a lighter sentence considered in a case where the defendant has not yet been judged "guillty" by the court?

Isn't that blatant extortion by the attorney's office?

According to what has been reported so far, Chen Chih-chung and Huang have agreed verbally to that suggestion. I believe, if Chen really transfers that money to the KMT, or even if the Chen family "donates" all their wealth they have earned after generations, in the end they will still be given heavy sentences.

If someone is too naive to recognize the brutal nature of the KMT -- if that person fantasizes that as long as they open their hearts (and pocketbooks) to the KMT, then the KMT will keep their promises -- then that person will eventually lose everything.

We can forget about whether "this money should be returned to Chen's supporters." If Chen Chih-chung is smart enough, he should keep that money, so that in the difficult days to come he might have the chance to buy his way out. But as soon as he turns in the money, he loses any leverage with which to negotiate and brings himself and his family to a very tragic end.

Dazed and confused Taiwanese

According to what is revealed about Taiwan history, it has been a common approach for the KMT to coerce someone into making a false accusation (for example, claiming that some innocent person is a communist bandit), then kill him after the statement is taken.

Certainly, we won't see someone getting killed over that nowadays. The KMT's approach is far more delicate in this informative era. However, the conspiracy tactic still works the same way and is enough to get Chen family lose everything. Seeing that same old drama revealed right in front of our eyes, it sends a chill up my spine.

But how do the DPP, pro-green supporters, pro-Taiwan scholars, and pro-Taiwan bloggers see this huge amount of money? This really bothers me.

It's been months since Chen's overseas accounts were exposed. But I don't see any concern regarding whether this is the money that DPP supporters donated to Chen. If it is to be returned, the recipient should be the DPP. It should never be "returned" to a KMT government.

For the DPP and for everyone fighting against pro-China authoritarianism, limited resources are always a problem. The source of financial support is even more crucial when what they are fighting is an organ that owns all the state power of a country and that dominates the public opinion with biased pro-state media at the same time.

It's therefore a puzzle for me that I see only the KMT government is launching almost the power of entire country to take that money into their pocket, but none of pro-green supporters has made any effort to get it back.

Is it because that pro-green has never thought about this? Or to them the money is dirty so they feel despicable to get their hands on it?

I don't get it.




「陸委會:江陳協議明生效 據以實施海空直航」








因此,台灣人必須有警覺:法院在這時候對扁案被告施以小惠的時候,不要以為我們打贏了什麼勝仗; 我們可能更進一步邁向死路。


「凌晨獲釋 阿扁要回家了!」









1. 首先,利用政客與媒體落實「阿扁貪污」的輿論;

2. 接著,逮捕、居留、詢問有關或無關的人士,威脅利誘將他們網羅成污點證人。譬如說大概像這樣:「如果你出來指證陳水扁有什麼什麼犯行,我們就不會將你入獄10年」等。

3. 這些天真的有關或無關的人士(可憐的葉盛茂)真的出來講一些所謂的對阿扁不利的「證據」,以為國民黨這些野獸會遵守諾言放他們一條生路。

4. 等到這些污點證人偽證收集差不多,沒有利用價值了,就把他們轉成「被告」,照樣治他們的罪 (可憐的葉盛茂)。

5. 當然,阿扁在沒有任何犯罪證據的情況下被逮捕入獄。

6. 國民黨的奸計繼續進行,我們已經而且將會不斷看到「證人變成被告」的情形。

7. 就這樣,阿扁被誣成貪污罪,國民黨名正言順將海外鉅款收入口袋裡。





2008-9-25 :「北檢再傳葉盛茂 擬追訴涉洩密罪」
2008-10-4 :「追訴兩起洩密罪 葉盛茂被求重刑」
2008-12-5 :「在葉盛茂重判10年 當庭癱軟」


『 本案合議庭審判長是李英豪、受命法官曾正龍、陪席法官楊台清

應有部分來自國務費所得? 法官審案,不靠證據靠猜想?


2008-12-6 : 「蔡美利、陳俊英 證人改被告」


2008-11-27:「陳致中同意匯回7億 珍未反對」


















Ma Ying-jeou: arresting CSB too late costs his rating

Just read this from Liberty Times (馬不自我鞭策 藍色焦慮難解), don't know what to make of it:


My translation:

"Regarding to the spiraling down of Ma Ying-jeou's rating (note by Echo: it's less than 30%), Ma Ying-jeou does care. However, when he chatted with his comrades during a private meeting, surprisingly one of the reasons he mentioned was related to when Chen, Shui-bian (CSB), the former President, was arrested. According to Ma's party member, Ma Ying-jeou believes that pro-blue supporters want Ma government to arrest CSB, and failed to do so earlier is one of the main reasons for his overall rating to go down. Ma's party member say, he can only shake his head."

Does this guy really think that blue supporters will give him low rating because of that? How far is his La La land from the earth ?