
Premier Wu Got Sued for Calling Independence Supporters Idiots

How can we expect harmony in a society if the Premier
feels no shame on making a society polarization remark?
~ Echo ~

A lawsuit will go to the court on Aug. 10th in which some Taiwanese sue Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) for calling Taiwan Independence supporters "idiots."

The incident happened on December, 8th, 2009, when Wu talked about cross-strait relationship in either a speech or an interview. See the section starting from 1:13 in this video.

What came out of his mouth is:


You don't have the ability to unite(conquer) them (China); You don't want to be united(conquered); And to seek the independent, c'mon, you are not capable. If you do it, you will split the country from inside, and potentially create troubles from outside. Only those who are irresponsible, or idiots, will think that we need to build an independent country.

Wu's effort of linking "independence" to "idiots" angered many, including an "egg protest" when he attended a computer expo (吳敦義蒞臨資訊展場 民眾丟雞蛋抗議 ). Not long after that (either the same day or next day), he attempted to dismiss the public rage with a clarification, but basically repeated what he had said in its entirety, including the word "idiots".

Immediately, he was questioned by a journalist on his reappeared "idiots" remarks. Obviously enraged, he raised his voice and talked back with his arm waving and pointing to the journalist:

"Irresponsible OR idiots ! Irresponsible OR idiots !! When I said you are either male OR female, I don't mean to say you are female."

Quite a delicate way to smuggle a society polarizing remark in his talk.

In an earlier article that I talked about the responsibility of Taiwanese intellectuals, I argued:


Any behavior that applies a specific pattern of some individuals as a criteria to criticize the entire group by locking the entire group into that pattern is a serious offense to the society harmony.

Wu showed us how that is done.

For the court preceding, some Taiwanese send out a notice of press invitation:






本案原告連絡電話:高金郎 (02)2838-6722‧0915-883-909

蔡金龍 (02)2906-7759‧0927-886-117

本案義務協助人:紀文清 0932-192-142


義務連絡人:李明憲 0937-064-024

中區連絡人:張志梅 0912-969-282

