先看看這則新聞:「中國學生參訪 成大撤國旗」
1. 受邀演講的蔣孝嚴,在回應在場學生質疑為什麼台灣人要把國旗拿掉時,竟回答:「你們就看開一點!」
2. 針對學生的質疑,可能是學生會的成員竟然睜著眼睛說瞎話,說:「那裡本來就沒有插國旗!」
這個成大學生會,在野草莓時 (2008年11月11日)曾經發表一個不三不四的聲明(見「芭樂日報」http://baladaily.blogspot.com/2008/11/following-is-translation-of-statement.html)
作者: justinkuo (放空) 看板: student-->
標題: 成大學生會聲明稿
時間: Tue Nov 11 10:05:19 2008
Cheng Kung University Student Union Statement
Once, we truly believed this: that Taiwan's democracy was an object of pride; that peaceful society was essential. We truly believed that the sky was broad and limitless, that sunshine was warm, and that the air was free. We truly believed that 23 million people could join hands and embrace this land of freedom. We truly believed this once.
But over the past several days, we have seen a serious split in Taiwanese society, with politicians and political parties disrupting societal order for political gain, all major media outlets pursuing their respective political agendas under the guise of reporting the news, and the abuse of state authority under the guise of "public safety" to brutalize people wishing only to peacefully express their opinions. Over the past several days, the beauty we once believed in has become a distant memory, and the Taiwan that we love has become a stranger to us.
We express our utmost sorrow at this turn of events, and feel that we have a responsibility to express our position on freedom, democracy, and societal stability. The purpose of organizations in a civil society is to reflect the values cherished by that society. As our student union is also a public organization, we - as university students who enjoy a greater degree of intellectual education and freedom - have a responsibility towards society. We do not presume to issue a statement in the name of the entire student body. We simply express our position in our capacity as a democratically elected representative body. We of course understand that the Student Union's positions on various matters may not reflect that of all our student members. We will therefore hold various petition drives to gauge a position that is most representative of that of the student body.
It is not our intent to demand settlements for the past. Rather, we seek to use our rational viewpoints as students to change the status quo, and push society towards progress and stability. We call on all of our fellow students and citizens to remain calm and rational, it is always more difficult to rebuild than to destroy. The road ahead of us is a long one, we insist on rationally changing and rebuilding the system from within, and reject all acts of violence.
Under the aforementioned principles, we issue the following two statements:
1. 請各主要黨團簽署承諾書,針對集會遊行法中許可制、禁制區、行政刑罰、解散命令、公平救濟管道等爭議內容,參考各國執行成效,廣納各界人士意見,進行討論或修改,並排定時間表。
1. We ask that all major political parties commit to reexamining the Assembly and Parade Law, addressing the current permit system, provisions for restricted areas, status as a punitive or administrative law, forced dispersal orders, fair relief channels, and other controversial points. Similar laws in other countries should be examined to determine effectiveness, and the opinions of people in all walks of life taken into account. A timetable should be established for this discussion and subsequent revision of the law.
2. 請各主要黨團簽署承諾書,承諾集會遊行主辦單位,應負起管制群眾行動責任,配合警方執法,約束暴力行為。兩黨團並應號召其他機關團體、政黨組織、公(工)會等共同承諾。
2. We ask that all major political parties sign an agreement that requires the organizing body for any protest or demonstration to take responsibility for policing the actions of participants, and work with law enforcement agencies to curtail violent acts. The two main parties should also call on other nongovernmental organizations, political parties, and unions to sign this agreement.
The above statements are non-political and non-partisan. As a group of motivated students, we seek only a progressive and peaceful society, in hopes that we may once again believe in the beauty of Taiwan.
Cheng Kung University Student Union
November 11, 2008
1. 請各主要黨團簽署承諾書,針對集會遊行法中許可制、禁制區、行政刑罰、解散命令、公平救濟管道等爭議內容,參考各國執行成效,廣納各界人士意見,進行討論或修改,並排定時間表。
2. 請各主要黨團簽署承諾書,承諾集會遊行主辦單位,應負起管制群眾行動責任,配合警方執法,約束暴力行為。兩黨團並應號召其他機關團體、政黨組織、公(工)會等共同承諾。
1. 活動當時,有很多學生事先準備好許多有關人權的問題要問蔣孝嚴,但是沒有人事先知道國旗會被學生會自行拆除;
2. 學生問蔣孝嚴很多尖銳的問題,但蔣孝嚴鬼扯回應,鬧到場面很火爆;
3. 成大校方與學生會聯合起來,批評提問的學生「沒教養」;
4. 已有傳言調查局已經開始調查這些提問的學生及其所屬的社團。
一小群台灣人的意見, 馬會在乎??
"有的人是永遠不會醒!".... 台灣悲歌已響起?!
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