
Total of 7917 Contestants in the 2010 Mayor, Councilor and Borough Elections

The registration for the 2010 elections of city mayors, councilors and boroughs ended yesterday with total of 7917 contestants (五都登記截止 7917人參選).

Table.1 Number of Contestants in 2010 Elections
* DPP=Democratic Party; KMT=Chinese Nationalist Party(Koumingtang); TSU=Taiwan Solidity Union; PFP=People First Party; NP=New Party; Others= other parties; Non-p= non-partisan

Table.2 Schedule of 2010 Elections
2010.10.22Review Qualifications / Notify qualifiers
2010.10.29Qualifiers draw the ballot order
2010.11.11Announce the candidates, the allowed dates of campaign and the allowed time slot each day;
2010.11.12Host official campaign debates
2010.11.27Cast the ballots


預測國民黨越輸越多,政大未來事件交易所乾脆關站止血 ?



該所目前主頁『未來事件交易所 暫停營運公告』上提出的「藉口」是:





未來事件交易所對 2010 選舉的預測

北市新生高與花博弊案在 8月17日被揭發。之後國民黨的郝龍斌一路下滑,跟民進黨的蘇貞昌越拉越大,在 9月8日已經拉大到將近 8 個百分點。新北市國民黨朱立倫也輸民進黨蔡英文越輸越多。照趨勢看,國民黨在北二都都越輸越多。這時交易所突然關站,新舊資料一併毀去,讀者再也看不到國民黨越輸越多的趨勢。
從圖中看出,郝龍斌自從新生高與花博弊案在 8月17日 被揭發之後,當選機率如脫軌的雲霄飛車般一路下滑,到 9月8日 短短20天已經輸了八個百分點,而且看起來還在狂跌的趨勢中。









今天看到一則新聞:唱衰新北市捷運 蔡英文硬拗,原本以為是什麼在台中國報在替國民黨打選戰,仔細一看竟然是自立晚報。我想,好吧!看看到底講些什麼,結果一看,裡面全篇都是國民黨在罵蔡英文的片面說詞,為文的記者蕭博樹既沒有採訪蔡英文的說法,也沒有做任何的事實查證。


『唱衰新北市捷運 國民黨:蔡英文硬拗』





底下是在新聞局告公視的官司中,公視董事長鄭同僚對審判長提出的補充陳述。轉貼自鄭同僚的臉書 (9/8/2010),紅色是我標的。






新聞局去年8月因為在增聘8名公視董事過程中其作法「未臻完全合法」、「鑿痕斑斑,紊亂體制」,被監察院提出糾正。請注意,到目前為止,他們還沒有依據監察 院的糾正完成改善。不但如此,他們為了掩飾自己被監察院糾正未改的過失,竟然對我們不願意妥協的公視董事提出兩次假處分,同時還提出今天這個訴求公視董事 會會議無效的訴訟。

從今年1月到7月,陳勝福等5名董事集體不參與公視董事會開會,惡意缺席超過16次,造成開會人數不 足,使得董事會不斷流會。但是,公視法規定每個月需要開會一次,而且,公視許多重要議案也必須決議,以維持正常營運,若任由陳勝福等5人長期缺席無法開 會,勢必造成公視嚴重經營問題。我和另外六位董事基於職責所在,迫不得已,採取監事會的建議,依據內政部會議規範中「不足額」的條文開會。


公 視曾經針對陳勝福等董事集體長期缺席,造成董事會不斷流會的情況行文給新聞局,請教他們,若公視董事會不用內政部議事規範不足額相關規定開會,新聞局有何良方?但,新聞局不但不予理會,或規勸陳勝福等來開會,反而對負責任不斷開會的7位董事提出假處分,讓杯葛開會超過半年的陳勝福有機會被「推舉」為「代理 董事長」。




我 是大學老師,也是兩個孩子的爸爸,相信審判長您也有可愛的親戚後代,如果今天我們容許新聞局用如此粗暴的方式,干預媒體自由得逞,我們將如何教育下一代堅 持民主理念?如何和下一代談論正義是非?審判長,您的判決很重要,請為我們的下一代立下絕不讓政治力干預媒體自由的典範。

鄭同僚 2010年9月8日

轉貼自鄭同僚的臉書 (9/8/2010):

新聞局和陳勝福,究竟把公視當成什麼地方了?公民社會還要吞忍多久? (9/9/2010)





會後,竟說依據該次會議,發函改派華視法人董事。 公視監事會曾經透過正式會議決議,要求瞭解8/28該次會議內容,但,得到的回復,竟然說要監事會先拿出法律依據!!





今天,陳勝福不但不願意交代自己被推舉的會議過程,竟然還打破華視以往選任新總經理的慣例,省去公開遴選過程,直接選任總經理。陳勝福和新聞局,究竟把公廣集團當成什麼地方了? 這樣不理會程序正當性的陳勝福和新聞局,公民社會還要吞忍多久?

轉貼自鄭同僚的臉書 (9/9/2010):

● (8/14/2010) Opera director appointed as provisional PTS chairman

The controversy surrounding operations of the PTS Board of Directors arose two years ago when the Government Information Office (GIO) — under the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government that took office in May that year — unilaterally changed six PTS board members that represented the GIO.

Last year, the KMT-dominated legislature revised the Public Television Act (公共電視法) to increase the number of seats on the PTS board from 13 to 21, increasing the government’s representation on the board.


Ma Ying-jeou's Anti-Corruption Freezes When It Comes to Taipei Flora Scandal

The scandal of sky-high overpayment by Taipei City government in the preparation of upcoming Taipei International Flora Expo (TIFE) keeps revealing more and more audacious behaviors of the city officials. City councilors from both the KMT and the DPP parties have been trying hard to request the official decision-making documents but got stonewalled again and again. The officials gave an excuse that they need to "compile" those documents first.

Lets see if we can cover it up

We didn't learn the meaning of "compile" until the documents were finally handed over. The DPP's Taipei City Councilor, Jian Yu-yen (簡余晏), examined one of the them [1]:

The compiled official document of calling for public bidding on the Xinsheng Overpass (新生高第七次招標公文) presented by Taipei City government shows signs of forgery

It shows that some of the words were scratched out and manually replaced with new ones.

But that's not all. In a TV program on Sept 4th [2], the KMT Legislator Lo Shu-lei (羅淑蕾) displayed the real document she obtained from the Taipei City government. It shows something not seen on the forged version -- the signatures of personnel who signed off the project. That is, the Taipei City government whited out those signatures before they gave it to Councilor Jian, a blatant act to conceal responsible officials.

Comparison of the documents Taipei City sent to the DPP councilor Jian Yu-yen (簡余晏)(left) and that the KMT Legislator Lo Shu-lei (羅淑蕾) obtained (right). The Taipei City wiped off signatures of responsible personnel (marked with red) before the doc was sent to Jian.

From the comparison of two versions above, the Taipei City removed the signatures of former section chief Chen Chih-sheng (前科長陳智盛陳智盛), Specialized Commissioner Chi Lan-sheng (專門委員池蘭生), former chief engineer of the department Chang Li-yen (前總工程司章立言) and former commissioner of the New Construction Department Huang Hsi-hsung (前新工處長黃錫薰):

Oh No !!! Scapegoat, any one ?

Those names eventually came out under tremendous pressures. Under heavy critics, the Taipei City mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌), who is also KMT's candidate for Taipei mayor in the year-end election, organized an anti-corruption task force from within the city government to investigate the potential corruption inside the city government -- that is, a "self-investigation" on the alleged corrupt party by the alleged corrupt party.

In a response to critics that Hau's administration is controlled by a 4-person-gang later, which is the presumed reason for the incompetence in his government, Hau insisted [3] that he is the one who made the final decisions:


Hau Lung-bin said yesterday that the decision making process of city government is always about collective wisdom, echelon responsibility and respect of expertise. Many share their opinions, but the final decisions are always made by myself.

If that so, then it's obvious who is responsible. Therefore the so-called internal investigation looks like a scapegoat-pinning show to shirk his responsibilities.

Please, don't wake me up!

Meanwhile, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), who always made strong anti-corruption claims to show off his determination on cracking down corruptions, keeps a blind eye;

The Control Yuan President Wang Chien-shien (王建煊), whose main responsibility is to supervise all levels of governments, keeps a blind eye;

The Taipei District Prosecutors' Office (台北地檢署), which won't hesitate to go full speed in response to any corruption rumor on the opposite party, keeps a blind eye;

Update: Finally, prosecutors raid Taipei City’s construction office. It is 3 weeks after continuous exposure of scandal evidence to the public by DPP's councilors. Why did The Taipei District Prosecutors' Office took so long to take action? Did they give the Taipei City enough time to forge compile/destroy crucial evidence that could implicate higher level officials ? How many documents have already been forged -- like the one shown in this article -- or destroyed already?

Despise that the TIFE scandal has already wasted tax money much more than the amount the former President Chen Shui-bian was accused corruption of, KMT Secretary-General King Pu-tsung (金溥聰) pledged [4] that the KMT will support Hau fully no matter what.

Thus, the entire system of Ma Ying-jeou and KMT's anti-corruption functioning went into hibernation, leaving the suspected officials -- who don't have the legal right -- to investigate themselves.

Case closed?

With a stunning efficiency (hey, the year-end election is coming!), mayor Hau announced [5] the result of this self investigation -- Chang, Chen and Huang are sent to the prosecutors' office, along with the Join Engineering Consultants (JEC, 昭凌工程顧問), the constructor in charge of all those alleged overpricing projects related to TIFE. No mention of responsibility of Specialized Commissioner Chi Lan-sheng, one of the signatures the Taipei City tried to hide.

The JEC, to which as huge as $13,000,000,000 New Taiwan dollars (~ $400 million US dollars) of tax payers' money went, was previously a KMT-owned property, and now still has the KMT as the largest stock holder. The company was ruled previously as illegal to carry out governmental contracts due to the company's notorious history of bribery and sex seduction, but the Taipei City government ignored the ruling and allowed them to take the contracts anyway. Further more, official documents show that Taipei City government already knew about the overpricing TWO YEARS ago [6], but allowed the overpaying to keep going. No matter how you see it, the entire flora scandal in Taipei looks more like a KMT-government-directed money laundering.

Further Readings:

2010.8.27: DPP city councilors file lawsuit against Hau

2010.8.28: Hau apologizes over expo, overpass

2010.9.5: Overpass task force short on answers

2010.9.5: Taipei prosecutors begin investigation into city government overpricing scandal
(Note: this page provides both text in both English and Chinese. While in the English version it says prosecutors start the investigation, it is not mentioned in its Chinese version. So far none of all news in Chinese I know ever mentioned that Taipei District Office started investigating)


[1] The Join Engineering Consultants Finally Spoke out! Crucial: Who Gave the Order? Who Signed the Docs? Why the Amount Matched ? (昭淩終於說話了!關鍵問題是:誰是「鈞長」指令?市政會議、工程會報裡誰指示了?公文內簽誰曾看過?金額為何這麼剛好?)

[2] Forged Flora Expo Docs With Liquid Paper ? Big Difference In the Official Docs Given to Pro-blue and Pro-green Representatives (花博公文塗立可白?! 綠藍民代調閱差很大!!)

[3] Getting Rid of Flora Storm, Pan-Blue Pledged Full Support on Hau (擺脫花風暴 泛藍全力挺郝龍斌)

[4] Battle Of Five Cities / Full Support to Hau to the End - King Pu-tsung (五都爭霸/力挺郝龍斌到底!金溥聰:對抗分裂的民進黨)

[5] Taipei City Hands Over 3 Officials to Justice For The Xinsheng Overpass Scandal (新生高弊案 北市3官員送辦)

[6] Xinsheng Overpass / Taipei City Government Already Knew About the Overpricing Two Years Ago (新生高工程/報價有問題 北市府2年前就知情)



最近一期經濟學人雜誌報導中國孕婦大量湧進香港產子的奇怪現象。去年(2009)一年,中國內地到香港的遊客所生下的小孩,佔了香港當年新生兒的 36%。報導說這個比例還在快速增加中。


此外,香港對新生兒的福利也是很重要的因素:一個新生兒在 12 歲之前,免付一切教育費,而且醫療幾乎完全免費。






參考: 無國界的媽媽 ─ 香港的嬰兒潮
Hong Kong's baby-boom - Mamas without borders


Serious Data Leak Puts National Security in Jeopardy

The Liberty Times reported a serious security leak of the government (外交部員工電郵密碼 Google全都露), in which the private data (names, email addresses and passwords) of more than 2000 personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) was exposed, including those of former and current ministers of MOFA, Francisco Ou (歐鴻鍊) and Timothy Yang (楊進添), respectively.

The leak was discovered accidentally by a netter when he/she was searching some info with Google and found a document containing all the data mentioned above. The document, with a substring "MOFA" in its filename, is stored on the FTP server of a company, 新寶網通公司, which is responsible for the internet service and security of MOFA.

The report is followed by a blame game: MOFA claimed that it's 新寶網通's fault. 新寶網通 claimed that it must be (that means, they don't know) some hacker(s) hacked into their server and opened it up to the public, otherwise it wouldn't have been accessible through Google (業者說明外交部信箱帳密外洩:備份伺服器被駭).

A side-note here: the document could also be public accessible if the company forgot to set the settings of access privilege of that file. Blaming it to unidentified hackers might make a internet-security company look less guilty. Incompetent, maybe.

This is not the first time the government data was leaked. In May, 2008, tax-payers' private data submitted to Ministry of Finance (財政部) for tax return was exposed (政府不設防 報稅資料也曾外洩). MOF blamed that to tax-payers, saying that some commonly used P2P softwares that users had on their computers caused that leak.

That leak was certainly less damaging than the current one that opened up a channel to national secrets.

Both MOFA and 新寶網通 claimed that the leaked emails and passwords were 5~6-year old and were no longer valid, so there's no security problem.

However, the data exposed contains that of both ministers served under Ma Ying-jeou's goverment (that is, within the past 3 years), but not that of former ministers served under Chen Shui-bian's government (廠商︰被搜到是六年前舊資料).

It's obvious that both MOFA and 新寶網通 are lying.

More crucially, evidence provided by journalists showed that people were still able to use some of the leaked data to login to MOFA's system until Aug. 26th, which was 5 days ago.

In response, 新寶網通 says that they don't know why.

Yea, who would have known ? The imagined hackers shouldn't have targeted them in the first place.

How long that data has been leaking? How many users hackers have already made use of that data to sneak into the MOFA internal system? When and how many secret documents fall into outsiders' hands? And to what extent the national security has been jeopardized ?

Since MOFA doesn't want to face the fact that the login data was still valid 5 days ago, should we assume they already determined that there's no need to consider possible security breaks and the case will be closed soon ? After all, we will all feel safe as long as we pretend this never happened.